October 12, 2015
Radical Collaboration
Radical Collaboration Our housing and employer forums, reverse job fairs and family meetings connect us to the community in new, important and interesting ways. I gained new insight into these connections at a recent Charities Review Council conference called Radical Collaboration. One of the nuggets I gleaned from this rich… Read More
September 22, 2015
We Are Community
We Are Community And, if we are community, what is community? The Minnesota Olmstead Plan and the Federal Olmstead decision ensure that people with disabilities are not denied access to the community because of their disabilities. The Supreme Court ruling stated that people with disabilities must receive services and supports in the community as appropriate… Read More
August 12, 2015
Extraordinary Caregivers
Extraordinary Caregivers A young girl with developmental disabilities lives with her family. Her ability to process information and complete tasks is similar to a 17–19-month-old child; she is a toddler in an adolescent’s body. Others make most of her decisions, and she communicates her desires through very simple means: gestures,… Read More
July 28, 2015
A Win for Choice
A Win for Choice Congratulations to the Olmstead Sub-Cabinet in persevering and allowing people with disabilities to make their own choices. This journey is one fraught with opportunities and/or obstacles. Thank you for your persistence in listening, shaping and path-making. Policymakers have an opportunity to learn much from this group… Read More
July 14, 2015
Preserve Self-Determination
Preserve Self-Determination The Olmstead Sub-Cabinet is charged with a momentous task – to ensure that all Minnesotans have access to lives of their choosing. The issues are complex and involve coordinating systems statewide. The state is also charged with finding cost-effective, reasonable plans for change. I have deep respect for… Read More
July 6, 2015
This Independent Life
This Independent Life On June 15, a 25-year-old woman invited 12 of her closest friends to attend a conversation about housing for young adults with disabilities. Their parents were invited to a separate and similar conversation. This young woman currently lives with her parents. She would like to move out… Read More