Behavioral Support Services FAQs

  • Parents, family members or caregivers of a person with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and behavioral concerns
  • Community-based organizations and systems with which people with IDD interact (i.e., schools, law enforcement, hospitals, etc.)
  • Organizations responsible for supporting people with IDD
  • Professionals supporting clients with IDD

Our staff can come to your location or residence for assessment and observation/consultation. This depends on the location and individual needs of the client. Remote telehealth may be utilized as part of the long-term behavioral support plans. We recommend setting up a free initial conversation to discuss your specific situation and needs.

This service can be provided remotely in some circumstances through video connection if available and/or through phone consultation. Our geographic focus area is the Twin Cities metro area and southeastern Minnesota, and we can work with others across the state.

Before you decide to start BSS, we offer an initial conversation to understand your situation and determine if we think we can help you in achieving better outcomes.

Every situation is different. Our recommendations and suggestions usually take time to implement, require consistent application and usually don’t create immediate results. In most cases we would expect to work with clients for several months to a couple of years. We recognize that some needs may be more immediate and those will be addressed as quickly as possible. Long-term solutions require long-term strategies and practice.

Payment options are varied. LBSA will accept private payment. Our reimbursement may also be covered through waiver (CDCS, DD, CADI, CAC, TBI) funding with approval through your county’s case management team. We recommend setting up a free initial conversation with LBSA to discuss your specific situation and needs.

Our team has experience in a wide range of behavioral issues. Many of the strategies and processes we recommend can support positive change for a broad array of behaviors. We recommend setting up a free initial conversation to discuss your specific situation and needs.

LBSA does not have a respite facility for clients. As part of our service, we assist in coordinating with other providers, which could potentially include respite services.

Behavioral Support Services is a consultative model that leverages our vast experience and knowledge in helping people with IDD dealing with behavioral issues. This model focuses on assessment and consultation, and we walk side by side with current caregivers. We have a very limited capacity to provide direct support personnel. We offer the training needed to the family and the associated staff providing services. We recommend setting up a free initial conversation with LBSA to discuss your specific situation and needs.

No, the client does not need a mental health diagnosis. Our mission is to serve those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, so people would need to have an IDD to qualify for our services and could also have mental health issues, either diagnosed or undiagnosed.

No, you do not need to have a waiver to work with Behavioral Support Services. There may be other ways to pay for this service outside of a personal waiver. We recommend setting up a free initial conversation with LBSA to discuss your specific situation and needs.